Monday, March 10, 2014

Duckie Kimono

One of the great things about spawn number two is that we get to reuse a lot of stuff, thereby making said spawn much less expensive than number one.  Incidentally, although it is a moot point given that I have two boys, this is the reason I insisted on gender-neutral clothing and gear when I was pregnant with Liam.  Even if Ewan had been a girl, I would have been able to reuse everything.

Of course, gendered clothing and gear wouldn't really have stopped me.  We're currently borrowing a nap nanny from a friend and it doesn't bother me at all that it's pink...

Ewan loves the nap nanny since it keeps his reflux at bay.  We love the nap nanny because it saves our arms from cramps.

One of my favorite gifts given to Liam was a duckie kimono onesie.  I love the kimono style because it means no trying to pull clothes over a floppy head and the duckies are just cool.  As it turns out, I put my boys in it at about the same time.

Liam after his first bath and the last time he ever used a pacifier.

Ewan after his first bath.  I think I already packed the hat.  And not only is Ewan bigger than Liam was, we didn't give him his first bath until he was older.  Seriously, how dirty do newborns get?