Monday, September 19, 2011


We have so many cute clothes for Liam, but the little buggah keeps growing out of them!  I suppose that's what kids do.  So when we notice that a particular outfit is getting a bit too tight, we've started taking photos of him in it.  Remember that bee outfit from Aunty Allison?  Sadly, it went the way of the green box in the corner that swallows up too-small clothes, but not before we managed a photo shoot!

We took some long shots.  Notice the bee blanket and how the onesie is attached with only one button.

We also got some close ups to show detail on the knit bee cap.  Thankfully, that will last a bit longer!

Then Liam got a little bored and little tired.

"No more pictures, mama."

"Really, mama?  Please!  No more pictures!"

"Fine, take more.  But the hat's coming off!"

One can't really blame a new mother for wanting to take a bazillion photos, right?  I feel the urge to capture every cute little moment, not trusting my memory to last.  But however camera shy (or camera weary) Liam may be, I still manage to capture smiles now and again...

You are so cute, buddy!

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