Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Toys!

We got some new toys for Mr. Liam, primarily because he's outgrowing his old ones.

First up: a new chair!
He is literally bigger than his old bouncy now, so this one rocks.  Liam was a bit apprehensive about the newness at first:

Eventually he settled into it, and decided to devour his favorite book:

We also got a jumper for him!
Again, apprehension initially...

The final photo for the day is one of the poor little guy passed out.  We were on our way back home from Zippy's, and as usual, Mr. Fussy was crying.  As what usually happens, he falls asleep in the middle of his crying.  In this case, he fell asleep holding his cards.  Don't do that at the poker table, Liam!

...until next time!


  1. We have the exact same rocker chair. Daniel loved kicking his legs and making the bugs sway. Be careful, though - when he was about a year old he began rocking it so aggressively that he flipped the chair forward on top of himself. After that happened a second time we put it in the closet.

  2. At the moment, Liam is suspicious of the bugs, so we don't often have them up. The rocking thing makes a lot of sense--our sitter has several of these chairs (each kid gets their own) and I've seen some of the older kids decide they wanted to stand in them. Makes me feel confident every time I see the sitter's response!

    Funny that you have the same one...we got ours second-hand at this store called Caterkids. :) I couldn't find them in the stores, but then, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough.
