I've been working on an impromptu Instagram project and have unfortunately neglected our Team blog a bit. Where is Dad Dad with his videos when you need him?!
In any case, here is a sampling of the Instagram photos I've been occupying myself with lately. They are mostly in black and white on Instagram because I have illusions of artsy fartsy-ness, but I leave them in their gloriously original form for your enjoyment...
Here we see the boy and his books. One day, we were reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and when we reached the part where he ate a whole bunch of things and yet continued to be hungry, Liam tried to feed him part of his sandwich. What a generous guy!
Contemplating the water given to him by Uncle Pono while Dad Dad helped canvas. We were very sad about the election results.
Liam is still not the greatest sleeper in the world, but we're hoping that with his two protectors, Ugly Doll and Cordy Blue, on duty, sleeping will be less scary.
We find that we have to take our little caveman out of the cave on weekends before the whole family goes stir crazy. At Ala Moana, Liam really enjoyed watching people go up and down on the escalators.
The kitchen is a favorite spot of exploration as long as he remembers to "stay on the wood." He hasn't been that in to stacking blocks, but he happily stacks cans of soda and jars of gravy.
With the advent of Lunch Club at work, sometimes we go to the Capitol on a Saturday to get our leftovers for lunch. Liam was learning to walk in his new shoes on this particular Saturday. Of course, that let to a goose egg on his forehead when the rubber soles caught on the concrete and he broke his fall with his head.
Granny Sharon got a cabin at Bellows one weekend and while Liam is still not all that impressed with the ocean, he was more than triumphant when he succeeded in climbing up on the kayak that was safely next to the cabin.
Liam does not like touching the earth. Whether covered in grass or just plain dirt, he will go out of his way to keep his hands from being sullied. This is particularly fun to watch when we walk around at the school next door. Falling...falling...falling...safe!